
Troubleshooting the “#bootyworkout” (with only minor ranting)

#Bootyworkouts are super popular right now. I see women doing this style of workout all over the gym and social media. It involves a lot of leg lifts, hip thrusts, and ankle straps/weights. I would include men in this rant (I’m an equal opportunity ranter,) but I dare say this cultural phenomenon is limited to the ladies. NOW, there are women out there who are trying to strengthen their glutes for sports related performance, regardless of the aesthetics. WHATEVER YOUR REASON (both are legit,) you are in the right place!

What I see that makes me crazy…

Trainwreck tabletop Glute Kickups

#1 Arching the Low Back (hyperextension of the lumbar spine)

Catastrophic Tabletop Leg Lifts
  • It may be “sexy” but it ain’t right. The abdominals are not braced so the low spine is being compressed and the muscles of the low back are doing all the work (the glutes are just chillin.)

    Tear My Hair Out Glute Bridges

#2 Uneven Hips

  • When the hip of the working leg externally rotates; hips must remain level to keep glutes from hitting the snooze button

#3 Zero Core Engagement

  • Kinda covered that above, but basically, if the core is not engaged, the pelvis will be rocking 
    Call 911 Lateral Leg Lifts

    back and forth, creating tension in the low back, glutes are out to lunch

#4 Using Momentum

  • This refers to swinging the leg or launching the hips. Stability and strength exercises are most effective if done in a controlled fashion with a smooth, slower tempo, NOT herky jerky like the Elaine dance from Seinfeld. Rushing these exercises or using momentum sabotages improvements in the mind-body connection and encourages recruitment of “helper” muscles and the glutes remain, your guessed it, straight chillin.

A Better Way

Zen Garden Tabletop Kickups *If your knee is rising significantly above your hip, that indicates other muscles besides the glutes are doing the work.
Babbling Brook Glute Bidges *Keep thigh bones parallel *Keep low ribs tucked in *Try to get the low back and rear end to touch the floor at the same time

TIP # 1: Maintain Neutral Spine by BRACING your Core

Position your low back into a neutral or even slight posterior pelvic tilt (tucking your tail under you) then BRACE YOUR ABS THE WHOLE TIME. This is CRUCIAL. The challenge is lifting the leg while maintaining the pelvic tilt and braced core.

#2 Square Off the Hips

A client’s first inclination while tackling single leg glute work is to externally rotate the hip of the “working” leg. This usually is due to a tight/overactive piriformis (a small muscle that gets jacked up

Chamomile Tea Lateral Leg Lifts *Toes pointed down to the floor to avoid external rotation of the hip

when the glutes aren’t functioning properly.) External rotation inhibits glute activation.

TIP #3 Range of Motion & Tempo

With these kinds of exercises, chances are if your form is on

point then your range of motion will decrease. That is a GOOD THING- it means you are isolating a specific muscle group and not recruiting Tom, Dick & Harry to help out.

Move with a slow, even tempo, keeping your mind concentrated on the glutes. This helps with proprioception (creating movement maps in your brain) making you more stable and coordinated.

Thanks for reading! Please leave comments and questions and I will respond 🙂